The Frontier High School Titan Athletic Booster Club, Inc. (TABS) is a non-profit organization comprised of dedicated parents, alumni, coaches, school administrators, and community members that have common objectives:
- Help maintain and improve the athletic facilities at Frontier High School,
- Support and recognize the efforts of our teams and athletes,
- Provide opportunities to our teams and athletes, and
- Assist in building team spirit, school spirit, and a sense of pride.
TABS is making a big difference at FHS and you can be part of it! The next generation of energy is now in motion; this will be the difference in how things will be achieved. It will be driven by a core membership of participating members and disciplined by the bylaws that have been established. With your help, we will not only set and achieve goals for this year, but lay the groundwork for future Boards, and this community, for years to come.
We have established the Membership Program to enable all families to have a voice in the outcome of the work and effort that will be put forward. The large majority of the membership dues will be set aside for the sole purpose of a scholarship. This scholarship is being established for any athlete who participates in any sports and whose parent or guardian has been an active paid member of TABS for 2 years.
All members and prospective members of the TABS are invited to attend the monthly meetings which will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at the FHS Cafeteria. At these meetings we will organize, establish, and vote on the direction of this organization.
On behalf of TABS ~ Thank You!
We have established the Membership Program to enable all families to have a voice in the outcome of the work and effort that will be put forward. The large majority of the membership dues will be set aside for the sole purpose of a scholarship. This scholarship is being established for any athlete who participates in any sports and whose parent or guardian has been an active paid member of TABS for 2 years.
All members and prospective members of the TABS are invited to attend the monthly meetings which will be held at 6:00 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at the FHS Cafeteria. At these meetings we will organize, establish, and vote on the direction of this organization.
On behalf of TABS ~ Thank You!